Every once in a while, a sequel comes out that absolutely blows the original away, like Aliens, and T2: Judgment Day. Well, unfortunately Blade II isn’t one of them.

Now before the wrath of internet fan boys around the world rains down upon me, let me clarify. I really liked the first Blade. I really did. Yes it had its problems, but I really enjoyed it, hands down. Well, I also really liked Blade II. Really, I did! I spent most of the movie with my jaw open, trying to control the drool seeping out of my mouth. The thing is, these two movies don’t have too much in common.

The first Blade was a cool movie. So was Blade II. It was different that the first, not better or worse, but still damn cool. The first movie, being the first, had to do a lot of things the second one didn’t. It had to spend a lot more time developing characters and explaining things. Well, in the second movie, that’s already been done, so you can just jump right in to the action. And DAMN there’s a lot of it in this movie. Another thing is, if you’re expecting Blade II to be a lot like Blade, you’re in for a big surprise. The second Blade installment is more of an action-horror movie, as opposed to a straight-up action flick. You are supposed to be scared during parts of this movie. And the fights in this one are WAY cooler.

Allrighty then, let’s rundown the plot: Blade is still doing his vampire-killin’ thing, when one day (or night, but the scene takes place indoors, so I can’t tell), he is “approached” by some members of the Vampire Nation. (You’ll understand why “approached” is in quotes after you see the movie.) These vamps inform Blade that there is a new “species” of super-vamp called Reapers who not only feed on humans, but have also developed a taste for vampire blood as well. They want Blade to help them fight these Reapers, so they offer him a temporary truce. Blade reluctantly accepts, of course (or there wouldn’t be a movie), and then the balls-to-the-wall nonstop throw-you-out-of-your-seat action begins. That’s all you get out of me on plot; I am not giving nothing away

Oh, one thing though. I know most of you have probably seen the trailer to this movie. I know you saw Whistler in the trailer, and a good bunch of you are thinking “How the f—k is he in this movie? Didn’t he die?” As much as you may not believe me, Goyer and Del Toro dealt with this pretty well. I won’t give away how he’s reintroduced in this movie, but I’ll give you something to think about: How much exactly did you see in the original Blade regarding Whistler’s demise?

Ok, now let’s touch on the goods and the bad of Blade II. Mind you I can’t possibly list all the goods, but I’ll probably get all the the bad.


The Reapers: The very first scene in this movie shows you exactly what these guys are about. Damn these guys look cool. Wait till you see them eat…

Wesley Snipes: This man is right at home with this character. Now I’ve never read the comic books, but Wes plays one badass Daywalker in my book. Got to love the shades.

The weapons: Yes, Blade has his kick-ass sword. Yes he has his kick-ass guns. But di-ZAMN, the new weapons he’s got rule. You’ve got cool sun-bomb thingies, flying spinning blade thingies, and wrist punchy-injecting thingies.

The fight scenes: Words cannot describe the coolness of these fights. Think of a over-exaggerated version of the sound one makes during orgasm, that’s how I’d vocalize my opinion on these

Most of the CG: I’ll touch on the bad part below, but most of the computer-generated parts of this movie are really solid. The Reapers’ mouth effects blend seamlessly onto the actors.

The Bad:

The parts of the fight scenes that are completely computer-generated: Ok, 99% of the fight scenes in this movie are amazing. Fight choreography is astonishing, and Wes’s skill (that has earned him several Black Belts) shows. However, there are a few sections of one or two fights where it’s all computer-animation, and it doesn’t look too clean. It looks like it’s going too fast, past the point of believability. But, thank goodness, this doesn’t happen too often.

Scattered plot holes: They’re in every movie, oh well.

There are a few moments in the movie where I thought, “Ok, that’s a little much…” or “That’s not realistic…” Like the swishes, swooshes, and hums that Blade’s weapons make when he spins them around. Also, blood is not THAT watery! (You’ll see what I mean near the end of the movie.) But, for the sake of action-movie coolness, they were quickly forgiven. Sometimes, the added swishes and punch “thumps” that don’t really happen in real life are pretty cool in movies.

I really enjoyed Blade II. It’s not a great movie by great movie standards, but it sure is a hell of a lot more fun than some “great” movies. Awesome fight scenes, lots of cool weapons, costumes and vamps. If you want to go to a great action-filled popcorn movie, Blade II is definitely for you. If vampires, lots of gore and blood, or anything else in these kind of movies bothers you, why are you still reading? Go see E.T.